Minggu, 19 Juni 2011


A child, from the time he can think, should think about all he sees, should suffer for all who cannot live with honesty, should work so that all men can be honest, and should be honest himself.
Jose Marti

Apa yang sampeyan harapkan dari seorang anak yang lahir dari rahim sampeyan, wahai wanita Indonesia  ?
tentu selain fisik yang normal sekaligus mental yang terjaga.
Afif, yang selalu terjaga sikap dan perbuatanya harus menerima kenyataan terusir dati kampungnya  dimana dia dibesarkan. Bukan karena dia ngutil barang ditoko, juga bukan karena dia ngembat sandal atau membobol kotak amal di sebuah mushola.
Afif, seorang anak usia sekolah dasar di SD Negeri Gadel Surabaya  terusir karena dia menolak  menberikan bantuan jawaban kepada teman teman sekelasnya ketika mereka menghadapi ujian kelulusan
Afif memang hanya bocah lugu, namun keberanian untuk  " membantah " perintah gurunya  merupakan  cermin kehidupan sosial , budaya  yang bisa menjadikan kita bangsa berbudaya ditengah carut marut  situasi yang tidak mendidik.
Harusnya para pembuat kebijakan mulai sadar persoalan pendidikan merupakan dasat dari peradaban.. Silahkan ditanya pada para muris guru  juga para kepala sekolah ,kalu perlu dengan alat pendektesi kejujuran, Apakah pelakasanaan Ujan di tingkat SD sampau SLTA sudah berjalan sesuai dengan keinginan pemerintah.?
 Apakah benar Ujian dipakai untuk  menentukan nasib anak , lulus atau tidak  lulus. ?
Juga apakak benar hasil ujian menentukan peringkat suatu lembaga pendidikan.?
Kaus Afif  merupakan pelajaran yang berharga bagi pembuat kebijakan pendidikan.
Ketidak jujuran  yang dilembakan merupakan   pisau yang akan menghujam balik utamanya dalam dunia pendidikan.

Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Drug abuse among teenager

The honourable,jurries of English speech contest,
The teacher, brother and sister, and all of the participants of English Speech contest,
Who among us does not know Shali Marsia soap star who stumbled narcotics case?

Who does not know Rival
do, cute teen actors.
He was arrested Penjaringan police drug unit officers in the apartment 
of Pluit, North Jakarta. He was found to have one package of shabu-shabu, August 8, 2008.
Who else is not familiar with Yoyo, Paddy., Jennifer Dunn. 
They are  all public figures who stumbled Narcotics
Why do they not understand about the danger of drugs

I will tell you about the danger of drugs?
, first let me explain a little about Drugs
"Drugs", another term that was introduced by the Ministry of  Health of the Republic of Indonesia is a drug which stands for 'Narcotics, Psychotropic and Addictive Substance'. All of these terms, both "drugs" or drugs, referring to a group of substances which generally have a risk of addiction for its users. According to the experts health is actually a psychotropic drug commonly used to 
anesthetize the patient while
 they are being operated
Now drugs are misused for having temporaliy fun time, forgeting the burden of hard work and obtaining  the target of bussines
My friends,
The abuse of drug have serious impact fot teenager, among of these are

Our body can change so much even to the cells and organs of our body become dependent on the drug ..
Iif drug use is stopped, this will change all the composition and balance the body chemistry. Maybe there will be excess of a type of enzyme and the lack of specific nerve transmission. 
They do not want to get  aches, pains, aches in the whole body and joints, muscle cramps, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, etc which is always arise when the supply of drugs into the body is stopped.
Besides dependence of body cells, vital organs in the body such as liver, heart, lung, kidney, and brain also suffered damage due to prolonged use of drugs. There are so many drug addicts that ends with a leaky heart valve, a perforated lung, kidney, and liver damage. 

Mental impact of  the user of drugs is obsessive compulsive thoughts and behaviors, and impulsive actions. Thoughts an addict becomes obsessed with drugs and drug use. Drugs are the only thing that exists in his mind. He will use all the power his mind to think that the fastest way to get money to buy drugs. But he never thought about the impact of actions that do, like stealing, lying, or sharing needles for his conduct was always impulsive, never thought of it first. .


A drug addict make a top priority in his life. Drugs are the center of his life, and all things . Nothing else is more important than drugs, and he put its interests to use the drug on top of everything.Drugs became much more important than  wife, husband, boyfriend, child, parent, school, work, etc..

He stopped doing the activities he used to do before .He drowned in the use drug. He no longer performs his interest, through normal activities such as school, college, or work as usual,
The addict often witdraw from thre social life, he lived in his own world and isolate himself from the outside world, that has nothing to do with drugs. He was away from family and old friends, and find new friends that are considered equal with him, which is considered to understand him .
 My friend,
We have to be aware the danger of drugs and we have bravennes to say no to drug.
Thank you

The importance of forest

Even if one tree falls down it would   affect the entire forest  (Chen Shui-bian)

One second is all it take to push a button
One second is all to change wifes into widows, husband into widower
At least one, second  to alter  children to orphan
for hundred people killed and wounded or injured permanently
and then  the sound of thunder disapeared,
the giant of tree smacked down leaving the hopeles victim

The date is  Sunday  October the fourth 2010
and on that morning the sun rose  reluctanly
the day gets  missery
 Wassior, a small disrict iin West Papua, will be  famous because of its suffering and the story of human’s greed

Honorable judges, teachers and students
I stand before  you to talk about the lesson I've learned from Wassior And What it means to me eventhough the goverment denied  the disater due to an ilegal loging. The fact that lots of forest area in Wasior district is  changed into dried savana. and unimagined damaded woods.

The honoutable Jurries,....
why do I  let you know the dissater of Wassior ? Yeah because we  neclect the importance of forest that is to absorb rain  water and to keep it underground. Forests help to conserve soil by preventing rapid runoff of water after heavy rain and minimizing flooding.

My Friends
The forest is a special gift to man by nature. The forest ecosystem is the most complex, diverse and productive of all ecosystems. It provides a wealth of resources for human kind. Forest has been of great importance to mankind since prehistoric days. 60% of the earth once covered with forest. With the development of civilization, large areas have been cleared to make way for farms, mines, towns and roads. Today about 30% of earth is still forested.
The economic value of forests, supply many products like wood from trees as lumber, plywood and fuel wood or charcoal. Timber is used in furniture making, building houses, ships and railway sleepers. Pulp and paper are made from the cellulose of trees. Processed wood products include cellophane, plastics, synthetic fibers like rayon and nylon. Latex from trees such as the rubber tree goes to make tyres, and a wide range of rubber goods.
Forests take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen into air, which is a great benefit to mankind. Forests influence local and global climate. The forest is also vital as a watershed. Because of the thick humus layer, loose soil, and soil-retaining powers of the trees' long roots, forests are vitally important for preserving adequate water supplies.
The wild animals and other beings get enough protection from the solar heat, temperature and the leaf cover formed on the earth gives cooling effect to the earth. Since trees absorb heat, we should not cut them down. Natural wildlife is important because it is part of the natural circle of life. Without eagles and other birds of prey, rodents' population will increase which will cause more rodents in the cities and towns.
 Ok My friend let’s keep our forest. Forest is not the heritage of our ancestors but the forest is our grandchildren’s safekeeping
Thank you

Sport is Important for our Health

The honourable,jurries of English speech contest,
The teacher, brother and sister, and all of the participants of English Speech contest,
Good morning.
My fried,
Let you  go around the town on Sundays , The goverment has launched the  Car free day along Suprapto, Street, It means  that any vehicle  is not allowed , is prohibitted to get through.,  Yeah, Suprapto street and around  is free from car. Dou you know the respond of the people about that progtam ?  are they against to that program? Do they go protesting by spreading banner to express their disagreement

The answer is no, They abolutely agrree and support what the goverment has planned . No car is on that day.  So, What do you think ? Is There no single person in Suprapto Sreet On Sundays ? Is there no  activity ?
You are absolutely wromg ,
My friend, and the honourable Jurries......
Lots of people  go down  the Street and keep bussy doing their activity , You are right .They do sport.
People plays football, , baskerball in the street , some teenagers  do jooging or play skipimg rope.
Why do people do sport  ? Because they know that sport is vety essential four their health.
  My friends,  let me tell you how sport is usefull for our health

First , sport can reduce the risk of heart attack. 

We know the heart muscle needs more blood flow from the coronary  twithout stopping the blood pumping. To that end, the heart muscle needs more blood to flow swiftly and smoothly Doing sport is capableto help flowing  blood to the heart. Thus it can make the heat beat noemally..

Then, my friend doing sport  cancel cancer  if we do it diligently.  At least the type of colon cancer (colorectal carcinoma). We know, moving the body part smooth bowel peristalsis, making bowel movements more orderly. Colorectal cancer is also triggered by fecal retention for longer in the digestive tract. Other studies also mention the role of a walk to the possibility of lowering the risk of breast cancer.

Next , my friend , tventhough  The  benefits of spotrt lessenning  stroke isn’t so real  but rhe fact those  who do sport regurlatly are more likely avoided of having stroke

Moreever, my friends, doing sport that is joggimg  or walking briskly for 6 km per hour  could delay or prevent the development of diabetes
As we know that cases of diabetes that can be resolved without  taking  medication, it can be done by choosing a  routine jogging While  we do  sport , our blood sugar can be controlled thus  doctors’ treatment  is not required. 

And then, The honourable jurriea,...

By having sport, not only the muscles of the body are strengthened, but the bones as well.
Indeed,  we need calsium and viramin D to prevent the proscess of osreoporosis. By doing sport in the morning , our body could  take it from  sunlight
 Those who had practised physical exercise since he was young, and consumed enough calcium, up to age 70 years predicted to be free from the threat of bone loss.

Finally , Doing sport also can make us happy since we meet other people and it can avoid us from depression, obesity and stable our weight.
And I believe that the best buy in public health today is doing physical exercise

So , what do you wait for ? let’s do sport regurlaly and keep you body fit  and heathry
Thank you


The bad effect of Smoking

The honourable,jurries of English speech contest,
The teacher, brother and sister, and all of the participants of English Speech contest,
Good morning.

Have you watched someone  smoking ?  Have you notice tht smoker’s odor ? Have you observed  their Clothes ? have you seen their teeth ? their nails ?
There are the things you can’t ignore if you  smoke, you will have bad breath, yellow teeth, stained fingers and lips, age spots, and wrinkles. Then there are the harmful things you cannot see—the steep increased risk for lung cancer, emphysema, fertility problems, heart disease, and stroke.
My friend and the honourable jurries
Give me a tine to rell you about cigarette.
Cigarettes are made with dried tobacco leaves that naturally contain the drug nicotine. Cigarette manufacturers add chemicals like ammonia, tar, lead, and cyanide and other ingredients, like cocoa, coffee, and menthol, to change the flavor of the tobacco in an attempt to make smoking more enjoyable. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), more than 4,000 different chemicals have been identified in cigarettes and cigarette smoke. Of those 4,000 chemicals, 60 are known to cause cancer. These cancer-causing chemicals are called carcinogens.
My lovely friend


Smoking and tobacco use affect reproduction and fertility. Research shows that men who smoke have lower sperm counts, and the sperm they do have is often misshapen and has a harder time moving—making conceiving more difficult. Experts also believe smoking affects sperm DNA which may lead to developmental and physical health problems in a child.
For women who are pregnant and still smoking, you are damaging the health and future health of your unborn child. Babies born to mothers who smoke are about 30 percent more likely to be born prematurely, and those who do make it full term are more likely to have a low birth weight. Babies born to mothers who smoked during pregnancy are also at a greater risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

My lovely friend

The leading cause of death in of men and women is heart disease. Smoking increases your risk for heart disease two to four times compared to a nonsmoker. The same thing goes for your risk of stroke. Smoking narrows your blood vessels and arteries. This may lead to peripheral artery disease (PAD)—the obstruction of the large arteries in your arms and legs. If you continue to smoke, PAD can cause a range of complications including pain, muscle determination, and eventually muscle death.
Smoke damages your lungs and your airways, putting you at greater risk for respiratory disease. In men, the risk of developing lung cancer increases 23 times if you are a smoker. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in women, and smoking increases a woman’s chance of the disease 13 times that of nonsmokers. Most smokers will also develop a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)—one of a few diseases, like bronchitis or emphysema, that block airflow into and out of your lungs, making breathing increasingly difficult.
My friend and the honourable jurries
In our country, Indonesia. A pack of cigarette was taped   a  notice . Let me quote for you all              “ Merokok daat meyebabkan serangan jantung, Impotensi, gangguan kehamilan dan Janin."
Who wants to have their lung stopped ? Who wants  to have disfunction in their reproduction ?
Who wants else to have disabled baby ?
So It's amazing to me that people  still pick up a cigarette and enjoy smoking, eventhough they absolutely know the danger of smoking

In here  , I am very sorry to say that someone who does smoking is really a dumb person a stupid  and an idiot person 
Sorry, Thank you

How to Study Effectively

The honourable jurries of English speech contest,
The teacher, brother and sister, and all of the participants of English Speech contest,
Good morning.

What the funny thing happened in the previous semester Test  ? What ?
OK let me tell true story .
My classmate,  Jono, looked bussy with a pail of his lesson book. He put on the table take a seat in a sofa and start to study. He had done these  from 9 pm until nearly the dawn. It seemed he was managed to know what he  had studied, But, you know , when the test is about to begin, he got a  bad headache because of lack of having a rest Then he got test paper and Jono fimally did nothing . The next day , Jono could not attend the test because he had to take a rest in a hospital.
It was  bad about Jono since he didn’t know how to study effectively.

Here are  the tip:
Eat Frequent Small Meals
Avoid eating a big meal before a study session. Too much food will send your body into a ‘rest’ mode. On the other hand, don’t starve yourself either. Frequent small meals are best.
Study When You’re Sharpest
Study according to your body-clock. Are you sharpest in the morning or at the evening? Schedule your most difficult materials when you are mentally at your best, and schedule the easier ones when you are mentally less efficient..
Don’t Get Too Comfortable in Your Chair
Choose a chair that supports your back. It should be comfortable, but not too comfortable. Just like an athlete during a performance, your body should be relaxed, so that all your energy goes to where it matters – your brain.
Clear Your Desk of Everything You Don’t Need
Have everything you need on the desk. Put away what you do not need for the study session. Seeing reminders of other assessments or domestic bills may increase your anxiety and distract you.
Take Breaks Every Hour
It is important to take a break before you feel tired and lose your concentration completely. Regular breaks at least once an hour helps to sustain your concentration. If the work is not going too well and you have difficulties in concentrating, you may need a long break and go back to it later
Stretch During Your Breaks
Know and respect your concentration span which will vary from hour to hour and from day to day. When you sit for long periods, gravity draws the blood to the lower part of your body. When you take a break, take a few deep breaths and get more oxygen to your brain: try walking around and doing some light stretching for a few minutes. It will help to release tension in your body, and help your circulation.
Study at the Same Time, Same Place
Study at the same time and at the same place, devoted to study only. This helps you to associate the time and place with studying and concentrating. You will find that you get into a habit of studying as soon as you sit down.
Ok my fried . I hope you can take this tips and we can share our time in our next grade. Thank you

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